Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Whole Lot of Sara Blogging... BAM. In Your Face.

I've been a little absent in the blogging world... okay, maybe a lot absent. I've felt lost for words lately, and I'm not quite sure of the reason. Maybe it's a confidence thing because I have about 17 saved drafts that I feel aren't good enough or interesting enough to post... perhaps I should bust a few of those out if another dry spell occurs.

My life most recently has been consumed by the perfect storm of administrative nightmares. I'll give you a brief list so I don't get myself too worked up:

1) Report cards: IT SUCKS. It's hard. It's putting a number on your kids, especially in first grade when you have a scale of 3. THREE. Imagine rating guys or girls on a scale of 3. It wouldn't give you a good picture of whether someone is actually good looking or not. For some people, you don't need a good picture though, I guess. My boyfriend's friends sometimes use binary code to rate girls, giving them thumbs up ("Yeah, I would...") or thumbs down ("No, not even with a bag on her head."). I'm sure it's just them... he would never be that crude (not).

2) SQR=FML: I've officially found my least favorite education acronym so far. School Quality Review, basically the school equivalent to your overprotective mother in law coming to visit. As much as it was stressful and tons of work and tons of pressure to get everything presented all nicely, it felt good to be so organized and on top of things when it was all over.

3) Data: Don't get me wrong- I like data. I don't like testing and re-testing my kids 8 trillion times though. Not when I want to... hmm, what's the word? Oh right... teach.

Clearly a lot of complaining on my end. Believe me, you wouldn't have wanted to be one of the people on my speed dial these past few weeks. All of it's a part of education though, so I guess I'll have to get used to it.

On an exciting note, I'll be returning to my college campus for some Homecoming activities and I could not be more excited. Especially about seeing all my old friends and teammates... and of course the BF. He's a 1 (in binary code, duh). Or maybe I should say a 3- consistently meets expectations (FYI consistently is defined on the report card as 80% of the time or more). I'm not looking forward to physically being in New England in November, because it's quite lovely down here in North Carolina. BUT I feel like it's been Christmas Eve for 4 days straight. WOO. Can't wait!

And of course, I think some birthday festivity recap is necessary. That 10 of a boyfriend of mine finally tuned in to my love for greeting cards, sending me TWO. Two good ones, too. I love cards. My sister's boyfriend is still in the phase where he feels the need to suck up to me, so he sent some delicious (and pretty) cupcakes to my DOORSTEP (he must really like Kristin). My roommate was amazing, as usual, probably winning the prize because she got up before 5 am to make me cinnamon rolls before work. The teacher that is in the room next to me (I would be completely neglecting her influence on my teacher life if I did not acknowledge her for this) jumped in my room and yelled "Happy Birthday!". The best part of that one was how she reminded me about how special it was about 7 more times after she did it. I love sarcasm. And I love my birthday. I always feel so... loved.

My mom was here this weekend to celebrate with me, and it was just what I needed. Literally. She bought me all the clothes I needed. But really, it always helps to have her around, talking me down from the ledge and giving me endless wisdom about teaching and life in general. We have too much fun together, especially when she pretends she's my sister and that our waiters are hitting on her. Good one, Mom.

We got to go to my aunt and uncle's house for a little family dinner, which was also nice. I underestimated how great it would be to have family around, especially because I didn't spend much time with them before moving here. Overall, an excellent birthday weekend, only to become BETTER because it is extended to last for Homecoming. Did I mention I can't wait?

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