Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Lot of Random Stuff

1) In love with yoga. I went to my first yoga class ever on Monday night, after deciding Sunday that I was sick of whining about my lack of a life. "I'll do something for myself!" I exclaimed, and marched down (by marched I mean drove) to the studio by my apartment to sign up. The girl working the front desk was really friendly AND is starting an after-school tutoring program for Title I middle schools, so we got to talking about teaching stuff right off the bat. The class... was awesome. Yoga is a perfectionists paradise. I loved it because it was the first time in three months that I got to focus on the little things. And that I could be in control. I realized that I'm actually quite a competitive person (never really thought I was) and it doesn't really matter if I'm only in competition with myself... I still feed off of it. I got to obsess about moving my foot a half centimeter and breathing for two seconds longer, with no wise veterans looking over me tsk-ing at my inability to let the little things go. It was glorious. My instructor was a pregnant lady, who was hotter than any pregnant lady I've ever seen as well as hotter than some un-pregnant ladies I've seen. She was also not afraid to move your body- at one point she was straddling me to get my *insert yoga pose name here* correct. At the end, when you're just laying there thinking about how awesome you feel, she came around and put a cool wet washcloth on my forehead that was soaked in lavender. Again- AWESOME. The whole time I was thinking about how I couldn't wait to blog about it (kidding... sort of). How yogi-ish of me.

2) I had to use two board books to scrape the ice of my windows this morning (at 5:10 am). Just thought I'd share. I found it a little funny... and sad at the same time.

3) I've been thinking about posting on comfort a lot lately, because it seems to preoccupy my mind quite often. It's funny how it's something that can come really easily or not come at all. I think about friends I have and people I know and how some of them are just... easy. I can click instantly and feel like I'm snuggled up in sweatpants with my stinky and slightly challenged dog. Other people just make me feel out of place. It'd weird that things can change so much from person to person, and it's even weirder to wonder why we become friends with the people we become friends with and why we date the people we date.

Comfort is always in mind. "I'm too hot." "I'm too cold." "My feet hurt." "My head hurts." "I'm tired." "I'm lonely." When it comes down to it, life is all about being comfortable. You change how you're sitting, standing, chewing, breathing... LIVING, all in the name of comfort. Sometimes, it's as simple as shifting your body weight, or staying away from dairy. Other times, it's a little more complicated.

With people, I find it funny that some are just easier to get comfortable with than others. Especially when I think of the relationships I've spent months, even years finding a comfort level in comparison to the instant comfort I find with a special few. Some examples? My sister and I. Instant comfort. Granted, we came from the same womb, so generally anything you might want to hide goes out the window. There's no judgment, and if there is, it's right out there in the open. My new roommate, for another. We can laugh about anything from her crazy life coincidences to a cow with explosive diarrhea on the way to the outlets (FYI, that is a severe driving hazard. We almost got into a car accident we were laughing so hard). But beyond laughing, there's the ability to just sit in silence and not feel discomfort. That's hard to find. Of course I have the feeling of comfortable-ness (not a word, I know) with my boyfriend too. That silence factor is there, even on the phone. Silence on the phone is hard to write off as not awkward, but somehow, we manage to do it.

I just love finding that. Because usually it comes when you least expect it, when you're not looking for it. I remember the very early stages of my relationship thinking, "Oh my God I can actually talk to this person. Where did this come from?" And with my roommate... well, I asked her if she wanted to live together after three days, so I think the level of instant comfort is pretty obvious.

It's cool to me that even as we get older, we meet people that click with us instantly, that we can go to new places and be totally alone one minute and then BAM. Instant comfort the next. You think that relationships and friendships take all this work, but then you're reminded that they actually don't. Not when you find someone who understands your weirdness and occasional awkwardness (or someone who chooses to look beyond those things). Sure, you have to work a little to keep them up- staying in touch, remembering birthdays and anniversaries, but the really comfortable relationships come about effortlessly and without a whole lot of thought (most of the time anyway). I've been reminded lately that these comfortable relationships can be found all over the place- in family members, in new friends, in old friends, in boyfriends, in colleagues- and it's very... comforting... to me.

Alright enough random blogging. Time for bed. Gotta get ready for my next yoga class TOMORROW, maybe inspiring yet another blog. Or maybe it'll just be another episode of getting manhandled by a hot prego woman. Whatever.

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