Tuesday, March 23, 2010


*Warning: This post contains graphic references to bodily fluids*

A few weeks ago, my good friend used the word "rubbernecking" when we were stuck in traffic.  I learned something new that day, because until then I had never known that there was actually a word that described when people shamelessly slow down to look at an accident.  I found out today, though, that the ultimate example of rubbernecking does not occur on the busiest four-lane interstates in the country.  No, no, no.  It happens in the hallways and classrooms of elementary schools.

I say so because I had a kid vomit everywhere in the hallway on his way to the bathroom, just in time for every second grade class in the school to come in from recess.  As I was frantically calling the office for a nurse, or a janitor, or a trash can for MYSELF, all I could hear was the commotion outside.

"Oh, God!  Ms. Rogers, grosssss!"
"It smells so bad!"
"I can see the hot dog chunks!"

Excuse the disgusting details, but the hallway congestion that followed made I-95 traffic look like the sleepy street I grew up on in Upstate New York.  It was at that moment that most of the second grade teachers gave the futile advice of "Just don't look at it."  That just makes the rubbernecking worse.

Oh yeah, did I mention that two kids also peed their pants while this was going on?

Ugh.  What a day.

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