Saturday, October 24, 2009

What You Don't Know About the President

During social studies, my kids were doing an activity where they had to describe and draw one of the duties of the President. I was making my rounds, seeing what they were doing, when I stopped at one of their desks.

Me- "Oh, now what's your picture of?"

Student- "Barack Obama saving the day." His picture showed him in a cape scooping people up... so cute!

Me- "Well, that's a good thing to draw! But it looks here like he's flying, and you know Barack Obama can't really fly in real life. He does save the day sometimes, but maybe you could show him doing that by making a speech or leading the troops."

Student- "He's not really flying. He's got a jetpack on."

Pause... me- "...a jetpack?"

Other student, nodding vigorously- "Uh huh! He has a jetpack."

Me- "That's really imaginative, but don't you think if Barack Obama had a jetpack, we would see it somewhere on the news? Or in a magazine?"

Student- "No. He keeps it in his secret lair."

Me- "His secret lair?"

Student- "Underneath the White House."

Nodding student- "Uh huh! It's true!"

This is what makes my days so so good sometimes.

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