Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Real Adventure

Is Skyping my mom. I did it earlier today in a bout of boredom after Jack left for work and was reminded of all the things she does that always keep the person she's Skyping guessing. Like...

...the fact that her webcam works about 14% of the time. I'd like to attribute it to technical difficulties, but I think the real reason is her inability to find the "Add Video" button. This means that instead of truly videochatting, I'm stuck staring at a tiny screen image of myself in the bottom right hand corner of my screen knowing that my mom is watching me, kind of like a stalker.

...her understanding that just because I can't see her means I can't hear her. Whenever she picks up the call, she's always yelling. Usually, I can hear the telltale intro music to Law and Order blasting in the background. The loudness is compounded by her tendency to add a vowel to the end of most words and hold them out for extended periods of time ("Sariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!").

...the random things that happen during the interaction.

In the middle of a story, it suddenly sounded as if her computer had been picked up by a tornado.

"What are you doing?" I shouted over the noise. It stopped.

"Oh, I was just cleaning out my keyboard. You know, with one of those air sprayers."

Not exactly the right time, Mom.

At least it's always entertaining.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Sometimes when I have too much free time bad ideas begin to sound like better ides, then they almost start to sound like good ideas. I'm wondering how good the following ideas are...
  • Getting a puppy
  • Piercing my nose
  • Tricking myself into training for a triathlon
  • Paying to go to the zoo by myself
  • Volunteering to work with children
  • Driving around the Deep South trying to find where my friends from Charlotte live

Filling Time

The number of my blog posts is inversely related to the amount of time I have. Or at least I think it is... it's been awhile since I've done math beyond the single-digit addition required of first graders.

To be clear, I have a lot of free time. Time I've spent visiting friends/family, training and starting my new waitressing job, reading for fun (unheard of!), cooking, and acting reeeeeeal chill about starting law school in the fall. Well, for the most part.

Who has time for blogging when you're catching up on every single TV show available On Demand? Not this girl.

The truth is, my life has been pretty uneventful now that I'm done teaching. I could tell you about working in a restaurant where I leave every day feeling like I'm coated with a thin layer of ranch dressing, but I doubt anyone would be all that interested in that. Likely, too, that people are uninterested in the other mundane details of my life, but I'll share a few of the (slightly) more interesting ones.
  • I got carded going into a rated-R movie (Horrible Bosses). Great movie, and definitely not appropriate for those under seventeen. But it is appropriate for 24-year-olds (like myself).
  • I made authentic southern fried chicken for the first time. I need some practice.
  • I've already corrected my two-year long sleep deficit and am currently functioning on a sleep surplus. Take note, America. Maybe I could fix this whole debt issue we've got.