My first book was "Are You My Mother?" by P.D. Eastman. I used to sit on my little brother's lap and make him listen as I read out loud (something my college roommates know that I LOVE to do):
"Are you my mother?" I'd look down at him squirming and pause. "No," I'd reply to myself with conviction. "I am NOT your mother."
Since that first book, I was hooked. I read all the time. It's part of the reason why I wanted to teach- because I love reading and writing enough to major in it in college (read: English) and actually enjoy when I had papers assigned on 400 page novels. I no longer sit on anyone as I read, but you will find it pretty difficult to interrupt me. It's like I'm in a different world. People have screamed my name and thrown objects (and missed) but I don't skip a beat. It's because when I read, I'm in it. I think in the voice of the author. I add myself into the plot. I have to finish the book in a day or I risk dreaming myself back into, which only serves to confuse me when I start reading the next day.
My latest book was Stieg Larsson's
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I'm a little behind on that fad, because it's already come out on Netflix, but oh well. If you haven't heard about it, it's classified on its back cover as a murder mystery/family saga/love story/financial intrigue, so you can imagine how freaked out I was to have 100 pages left at 3 am. I was far enough in to be at the most horrifying part, but not far enough in to reach resolution. I was also at the absolute end of my energy; I had no choice but to go to sleep. Turning off the light, I laid in bed, swearing I'd see a shadow in my window just beyond my foot board. Forget that the story happens in Sweden. I was in a half awake, half nightmare state. I should have just finished the book.
Then it happened. A figure- in my door, just standing there.
"What the hell?" I called out sleepily.
"I need to sleep in here. It's too damn hot." Great time for my mom to open my door and stand as a haunting shadow for thirty seconds. I should only be allowed to read scary books in the daytime.
*Note: the book isn't actually that scary. Very good, no doubt, but really not that scary. I'm just a baby.