Thursday, December 17, 2009

Season of Giving

My class, right before the celebration :)

Cute little moment today during the non-denominational classroom celebration we had.

First of all, holiday parties are really just a mid-year teacher revenge against the parents, stuffing their children full of any and all sugary processed foods you can find and then piling on the bus just before the sugar rush hits. By the time they get home their eyes are practically out of their sockets. You don't admit it, but you let the kids that give you the most... challenges... take an extra sprinkly sugar cookie, or two, or three. Or let them lick all the frosting off the remaining 35 cupcakes. Or give them an IV of Hawaiian Punch, pumping it straight into their bloodstreams. Merry Christmas to your mom and dad... heh heh heh....

Not really but the thought did cross my mind. A couple times.

The cute part was before the celebration, when I had them sit in a circle and explained that there were some very nice people in Charlotte who had "extra" and decided to give that "extra" to our classroom. I pulled out this bag of wrapped books (donated to TFA) and we counted them together. After figuring out that there wasn't enough for everyone to get one, I told them that I had decided to use these books to give to our classroom as much as we could by making a lending library. Then they all got to open the books and show the book they got. A couple of the books were repeats, and we decided that since we had "extra", we should give it away too. So we picked the five repeat books and walked them to the five other first grade classrooms to give to them. They were so happy to be giving them... it was so cute. Although it didn't necessarily go as smoothly as I just described it, considering that when we were lining up to walk to the other rooms, the kids just ran down the hall without me because they were so excited. Oh well.Anyway, it was a cute day. Tomorrow will probably be awful, riding out the after-effects of today's sugar high. Maybe I can counteract it by giving them salty (in the form of the 14 extra bags of chips I have... so much extra food).

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