Sunday, May 2, 2010

Real Person Status

A much needed jolting change occurred in my social life this weekend- it existed.

I don't know if it was the tequila, the warm weather, or the enthusiasm from all my friends (FINALLY rallying each other to go out together), but I actually felt like a real person.  I spent Friday night dancing like an idiot in this club/bar uptown, staying out until 2 AM!!  I felt like I was back in college, complete with drunken late-night food cravings.

Yesterday, I went up to Winston Salem for this party my best friend was having with all her med school friends.  I got to pretend to be a doctor and barbecue, two of my favorite things.

Maybe all these real-person feelings are going to be sending me on a downward spiral into Sunday night anxiety, because when you start to feel good you have much farther to fall.  Or maybe I'll just go into school a little less rested and a little less depressed about my social life.  We'll see.

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