Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Learning from a traumatic lesson today. One of my favorite kids, or at least my most quirky and adorable one, had his last day today unexpectedly because of a parent custody issue. His mom came in during the middle of the day out of nowhere and 15 minutes later, he was gone. Moved. He came to school with everything normal, believing he'd be back home at 2:00. I came to school believing he'd be in my class the rest of the year. If it was traumatic for me to have to say goodbye to him so abruptly, I can't even imagine what it would be like for him.

The most heartbreaking part is the fact that this kid is below grade level but has finally been getting it. Things have been clicking for him and he's been growing like crazy the last few weeks. Now he'll be at a new school, probably back at square one because he's not used to their expectations and routines. I worry about him.

It made me grateful for the sense of stability I have in my own life, even though I've been complaining about it since January. No matter how much things are up in the air with school and jobs and all of that, ultimately I know that I'm coming home to the same apartment every day and can trust that the people supporting me will be there for me. It's a perspective shift.

And with that shift I make my official announcement- da da da DA- that I WILL be going to law school next year, officially. No more "Well, I don't know..." or "I haven't decided yet...". BU School of Law, here I come. I'm taking advantage of the solid ground I have under my feet and just biting the bullet. My deposit check is written, sealed, and ready to be mailed. Although maybe I won't mail it just yet...

Some things might never change.

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