Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back To School, Remixed

Teacher becomes the student.

Sorry for the cliche, and sorry for the wait. Blogging has been the least of my concerns this summer (clearly) for some very simple reasons, the biggest reason being that I don't really have anything to blog about. There have been a couple things here and there that have grabbed my attention, but blogging about them would have gotten in the way of my main goal of not taking anything too seriously. Some of those things I'll touch on later. Most of them I won't.

But today, reality struck and my brain needs to get back in the swing of things. As my mother so lovingly reminded me in a text the other day:

"One 24 word blog in over a month, that is REALLY pathetic. I hope you remember how to read and write when you go to law school."

I hope so too. I got my schedule and section for classes and finally realized that I'm moving to Boston and starting school in just two weeks. The weird thing is that I'm having a hard time registering the fact that this year, back to school doesn't mean shamelessly buying Crayola 24-packs for thirteen cents in Target. It doesn't mean having teaching nightmares about leave hundreds of pounds of raw meat in my classroom all summer (which happened last year). The bright-eyed, bushy-tailed student this year is ME, not the little six-year olds scuffing their shoes down the hallway.

It's a weird shift to make. The difference is that instead of freaking out about being ready, I'm surprisingly chilled out. I opened my first Word document in over a month yesterday. The extent of my prep work has been working on my tan, getting over 10 hours of sleep a night, and reading one nonfiction book. Even now, with a lot to do, I have no checklist, no charts, no spreadsheets. I haven't had any law school nightmares, although I did have a teaching one (weird, right?). Maybe it's becoming impossible to faze me after teaching first grade (which seems unlikely, but I'll take it).

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