Wednesday, November 18, 2009

There are so many of them.

I had a moment today that I can only equate to going camping. It was like waking up in the morning, right when the tent is starting to trap all the heat and get really uncomfortable, but when there's still dew on the sides that gets you all wet when you roll into it because your dad set it up on an incline. You open your eyes, and you think, "Man, this is uncomfortable." And then you see a spider. And then you see a moth. And then you see about 20 other bugs (so 22 in all, math whizzes). And then you think, "Oh... my... God. There are so many of them." And this feeling of horror fills you up and you potato-sack it out of the tent, legs still in sleeping bag.

That's how I felt today when all my kids were finally in the room for writing.

I mean, I have 13 six-year-old boys. THIRTEEN. Do you know how much burping, fake choking, and fart jokes that equals?

Hopefully I get over that feeling by tomorrow... yeeks*.

*obviously a made up word... it's been a long day.

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