Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A New Toy

I needed a pick-me-up today.  Badly.  I've been feeling a little deflated (a little may be an understatement) because of some things going on in my whole teaching life.  Then, just when I thought it couldn't get any more down in the dumps, I found out there is a case of scabies somewhere in our school.  I don't know what scabies is exactly, but it makes me feel like I have worms crawling under my skin.  I picture the symptoms to be foaming scabs... although that is probably completely inaccurate.  I'd google it but I'm pretty sure that would make me feel worse, not better.  I am instituting a strict no hugging or high five policy until further notice (one teacher suggested just giving kids a Jersey Shore fist pump instead).

Anyway, on top of the scabies, it was Wednesday.  And we had a staff meeting.  And a training.  And then another meeting.  It was 3:30 before I got something to eat- a long time to wait when my lunchtime is 9:45 (yes, in the morning).

Like I said, I needed a pick-me-up.  So at 4:20, I left for UNCC on a mission.  I bought a brand spankin' new MacBook Pro at 4:50 and made it to class at 5:00.

Now I'm home and get to play.  The only problem is that I don't know how to do anything.  I never realized how much I use backwards delete until a time like now (how DO you use backwards delete on a Mac?  If it's not possible I might have to take it back).  I'm just hoping I don't spend the whole night exploring the trackpad shortcuts and finally being as cool as all those people with the photo booth pictures (see below).

Note: I am already in bed at 9:30.

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