Friday, October 1, 2010

We actually reach full maturation at age six

I've found a kind of scary parallel between college students and first graders in the past year.  It's weird how many things seem like a flashback to when I was in school- I never thought I'd be cleaning vomit off a carpet again, at least.

Today, it that feeling was stronger than ever after I found an index card in my room that said "I love Immanuel.  as my boyfren."

I pulled Immanuel over to me and asked him whether he knew who wrote it.

The look he gave me was a look filled with so much fear and horror I thought something else had happened to him.  He started to cry, and in between his sobs he said, "I... don't... have... a... girlfriend..."

The funny part is I'm pretty sure I've seen that face before in college.  I think that's how most 20-something guys act when they're the last ones to find out they have a girlfriend.  Jack reacted the same way when he found the note I wrote about him being my boyfriend in the Psi U basement bathroom.

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