Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mission Accomplished

See ya later LSAT... at least until November 1st when you invade my life again with your score report.

To tell you the truth, it really was not that bad.  I got to sleep in past 4:30 am, it was a beautiful day, and I got to work in a quiet room free of scabies and ringworm.  Overall, better working conditions than I'm used to.  It was funny to listen to people during the break too, especially the people that you could tell were still in college.

"Oh my God, if I have to read one more second my eyes are going to fall out."
"I can't believe it's only halfway over... how are we going to keep working in that room for another two hours?!"
"This is awful."
"I need another beer." *Note: yes, another beer.  The kid sitting next to me admitted to picking up a cold one at 7:30 before leaving for the test to calm his nerves.*

Like I said before, compared to what I'm used to- kids peeing their pants, tapping my arm incessantly asking for a pencil, and spending 12+ hours at school- this thing was a piece of cake.  I'm wondering what these people are going to do when they actually get into law school and have to read for *gasp* more than two hours.  Or what they're going to do when they get a job and they have to work for eight (or more, realistically) hours CONSECUTIVELY.

I can't poke too much fun, because I'm pretty sure I was the same way before I graduated.  And I definitely downed a few cold ones in celebration of finally being done after.  But still, it was mildly amusing.

Now, on to the equally time consuming process of law school applications...

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