Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Playing Catch-up

I've been terrible at life lately.  Or maybe it's just blogging.  At any rate, I've been super busy going between, work, grad school, and LSAT stuff.  It's EXHAUSTING.  Then this weekend (which would have been my blogging catch-up time to reveal all the hilarious little details from my babies) I took an impromptu getaway to the Rappahannack (sp?) River to my roommate's house there.

We did nothing.  We woke up late, had her dad make us delicious breakfasts, lunch, and dinner, and then alternated between napping on the beach and closing our eyes while laying out on the beach.  There's not much of a distinction between the two, FYI.  See picture below to get jealous of me and my very impressive tan.
Looking out towards the Chesapeake Bay
School?  It's great.  I'm actually LIKING it.  Feeling like a teacher, minus the fact that we have been testing so much these first weeks that I've barely gotten to teach at all.  But soon that will be over and I will be in the zone.  More to come later- I promise.

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