Saturday, August 22, 2009

If You Give a Teacher Some Free Stuff...

...then they will take all that they can get their hands on!

One thing I've learned about teachers is that they are vultures when it comes to stuff. It doesn't matter what it is, but they're always on alert for things that are up for grabs (and things that are NOT, like the carpet that was missing in my room until yesterday). My school is partnering with a private school in the area and they donated TONS of books and school supplies to us. It was a madhouse when it came to distributing it- folders flying everywhere, people tossing books on overhead carts. I think I had a gluestick stuck in my hair.

In the end I came out with a decent amount of stuff- more books for my classroom library and supplies and what not.

Open House was on Thursday, and my class roster increased from 20 to 22. I had 17 parents come in, which was great, especially since some of their kids were on vacation or with grandparents. I got a lot of looks that I assume were saying, "Really? You're a teacher? You don't even look like you've graduated high school." but all in all they were pretty great. All the kids seemed excited, even though my room is bare compared to the other classrooms in the K-2 hall. Afterward, I had a MINOR (and by minor, I mean major) meltdown. I think because it finally became real and I realized how much more I have to do. It was not pretty. Not pretty at all. Barely got any sleep that night because I was so worried about not being ready for my kids, resulting in their parents chasing after me with torches and pitchforks.

Thankfully, I have a lot of people in my life to do damage control when that happens. Mainly, my mother, who must have been rolling her eyes when I called in hysterics Thursday night. But then others too, like my roommates who made cookies for me :) and my boyfriend who manages to get me to stop talking about teaching so I can relax a bit. Then, the most important people- my school team. I swear, these people were made to make first year teachers feel at home. All the other first year teachers have been phenomenal, giving me ideas, giving me supplies, telling me what to do and what not to do. Then my mentor, also a literacy facilitator, walked me through an entire first day to let me know what I needed to do. It was just what I needed.

...more to come later, I'm heading to a movie date :)

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