Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Need to Prove that People Like Me

Two requests directed at all the readers of my blog-
  1. Donate to my Donors Choose project PLEASE.  Even $5 helps and research proves that people that spend money on other people consider themselves happier.  The link to donate is the first box on the left sidebar (or, for those of you that are too lazy to move your mouse that far, go here).  Some ways that you can make those bills back:
    • Eat dinner at your parents' house one night, then pull a high school move and take some of their liquor home in a water bottle.
    • Accept a drink from that sketchy guy at the bar when you're out this weekend (just make sure he's not TOO sketchy)
    • Walk somewhere instead of driving... yes, I know it's 97 degrees out with seven million percent humidity, but come on people, it's for the children.
  2. Follow my blog.  It has a measly four followers, which makes me look super lame.  If you have a Google account, which I'm SURE most of you do, and you read my blog occasionally, then follow me.  I'm asking nicely.  Just go to the box on the left hand side of the page where it says "Super Fans," then click Follow.  Make sure you follow it publicly, otherwise it won't make me look any cooler (my primary goal).

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