Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ridin' Dirty

With all the time I've spent in my car this summer, I've decided to put together a list of things I like about driving stick and all the things I hate.  Not only does making a list make me feel like I've done something when I really haven't, but... okay, it really just makes me feel like I've done something when I really haven't.

The Benefits of Driving Stick
  • Looking really cool and sounding impressive.  This is especially true when your boyfriend can't drive stick.  I like to pretend that solely being able to take a manual car out for a spin makes me a better driver, especially when he brings up articles about men fearing for their life when their partner is driving.  (Possible response: well I fear for my life when you drive my car... because you don't know how.)
  • Being able to pretend to street race.  Yeah, I said it.  I'll rev my engine at you.
  • It's more fun... I mean that.  When you're in the mood, it makes driving more of an activity than a mindless drudgery getting you to where you need to go.
What Sucks About Driving Stick
  • Not being able to do ANYTHING while driving.  I know it's not safe to distract yourself in the car but let's be honest- we all do it.  It's next to impossible to do anything when you drive a standard car.  Texting?  No way.  Only at stop lights.  Eating?  Absolutely not.  Sometimes I feel bad when I'm accelerating next to someone and I'm at about 5000 rpms because I'm trying to eat a bagel.  No, I'm not trying to race you (although maybe we can later).  I just want to eat my bagel and wish my car would shift itself into third gear.
  • Other people can never drive your car.  If I had a dollar for every time I needed someone to drive for me and they couldn't because my car is manual, I would have about $6.  This doesn't seem like very much, but one of those times was the 13 hour trip back home with Jack.  Through DC and NYC.  Which brings me to my next point...
  • Traffic.  It's one thing if you're looking for a really good left buttcheek workout, but quite another to have to hold the clutch down for over an hour going 5 mph.
  • It makes driving hungover eight billion times worse.  We all know that after a night of libations are fine motor skills our usually suffering.  For me, that means shifts that feel more like earthquakes.  And earthquakes are not fun when you spent all last night pretending you were a booze-fueled Step Up 4 extra.

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