Sunday, August 22, 2010


Get your minds out of the gutter folks, this isn't THAT kind of quickie.

Remember the Sunday night anxiety?  It's back.  I bought myself a lavender candle in an effort to relax (an idea from a friend's blog about her classroom approach this year), but I have a pretty good feeling it won't work as well as I want it too.

My first week back (really, it's been two weeks) has been HECTIC, in a word.  Working from 8 to 4, eating dinner, and then studying wildly entertaining LSAT PrepTests until 10:30 is, surprisingly, a pretty tiring lifestyle.  On Friday, I managed to keep myself up until 10:30.  Then I slept past noon.  So much for having a social life this year.

The hard work is paying off though.  My classroom looked great for Open House on Friday (pictures to come) and I got to meet seventeen of my twenty-two kids.  Most VERY cute and excited for school to start.  I have two more days to prepare and then BAM.  First day of school.  I'm just hoping I won't end up in the fetal position at the end of the day again.

For all you first year teachers out there reading this (probably only like one of you), don't worry.  The only real important thing about the first day is keeping the children alive and getting them on the bus home.  And you even get a little leniency as far as getting the transportation one hundred percent accurate.

That's all for now (I told you, QUICKIE).  More later.  Hopefully before Wednesday.

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