Saturday, March 26, 2011

Damage Control

After a SIX hour delay, I finally made it to Boston on Thursday night.... er, Friday morning, at 3 am. I was not pleased with Jet Blue. Not at all. Not even a little. It did let me cross "Get drunk in an airport bar" off of my bucket list, but my last drink was a tall Bud heavy, which did NOT make my flight enjoyable. Or my life in general the next morning.

The good news? I got to BU, I got my $200 reimbursement check for my flight, even though it was a miserable experience. And Jet blue apparently felt pretty bad about the whole thing, because they gave me an additional round-trip flight voucher. So I basically got two flights for free. Pretty sweet. They must have heard about all my accomplishments.

Being at BU got me excited about law school, at least until they gave us the cheat sheet that told us how much it will cost. Eek. But I think I can sleep a little easier knowing that I've at least got one option I can feel good about, even if it requires living in denial about being in massive amounts of debt.

Boring post. Oh well.

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