Thursday, March 24, 2011


Don't they know I'm a Hall of Famer? Fix this problem immediately!

I'm stuck in the CLT airport right now, waiting to get on a direct flight to Boston for a jam-packed weekend- BU law school preview, boyfriend rendez-vous, relived debauchery with my college roommate, and general whining about the weather. I'm blaming the delay on the fact that the pilots don't want to leave abundant sunshine and 70 degree forecasts. Whatever the reason, I'm hoping my newly elevated status as a Corning Painted Post Sports Hall of Fame Inductee (Class of 2011) gets this flight off the ground soon. Literally. I want to get off the ground.

I was home this weekend because of that whole debacle, sitting through a four and a half hour dinner for a plaque and certificate combo. I purposely did not tell Jack about what kind of ceremony it was because I didn't think he would come if he knew. When my sister got inducted, it was over five hours long, only bearable because we were sat at the back closest to the bar. My whole family proceeded to get inappropriately intoxicated as the evening dragged on, getting out at 11 pm and promptly going to bed. This ceremony marked my third important speech of the year, and I'm glad I got practice at my mom's retirement party and my sister's wedding so I could be really calm and collected for this one. Oh wait. I wasn't calm and collected. I was visibly shaking and almost cried. Not exactly my best performance.

When I first got the letter about being inducted, I was pretty confused. I haven't even made the Fiorillo Family Sports Hall of Fame, being banned from the wall of accomplishments because apparently all-conference academic awards don't count. And I didn't feel like I really deserved it. My high school volleyball team did well, even though we were basically the Buffalo Bills of New York volleyball, losing in the state finals two years in a row. But still... my sister got inducted and was way more athletic than me. In fact, I'm less surprised by some of the law schools I've gotten accepted to (or not rejected from) than I am that I got inducted. That's how much I don't feel like a Hall of Famer. Even by Painted Post standards. As the ceremony got closer, I just kind of went with it. I guess I can send an updated resume to some of those undecided schools with my newest accomplishment on it... they can't say no now, right?

For now I'm stuck in with my delayed flight, editing supplemental essays and my e-mail signature to include my most recent accolade. Wish me luck on receiving all these final application decisions, but now that I'm a Hall of Famer, I'm beating all the odds and probably won't need it.

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