Monday, September 28, 2009

A Funny Moment in Starbucks

Overslept by about THREE HOURS for work this morning... thank GOD it was only a work day. Anyway, I had to stop for coffee/breakfast at Starbucks on the way since I didn't have time to eat. I ordered my usual- blueberry scone and a plain coffee. I was in a rush, so I was totally in the zone when I went to the little add-in station for cinnamon and just a teeny bit of skim milk.

"Aren't you gonna want more than that?" I hear a man's voice say, but, like I said, I was in the zone so I didn't even look up.

"No, I like it black."

Then, when I did look up, I saw an older man... an older black man. He just busts out laughing, cannot contain himself at the fact that I just told a him that "I like it black."

"Baaaahahahh, she likes it black, she says."

He was still laughing when I walked out.

Life is funny, especially when you get to interact with older men who like to turn everyday language into sexual innuendos.

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