Sunday, September 20, 2009

Love for Old Friends

This is just a quick update before the week gets crazy (and I get crazy).

I took a little weekend trip to visit one of my best friends from... ever. We met on the bus in first grade, so I know pretty much everything there is to know about this girl. She's in med school at Wake Forest now (I know, impressive!) and we spent most of Saturday working. But it was so good to have that feeling of comfort back. It was like we were in high school again- watching bad TV, eating bad food, laughing about nothing. It's funny how different our lives are now, both really difficult but in totally opposite ways. She made me feel very, very uneducated, especially when her and her roommate discussed some kind of eye muscle pulley (I was seeing whether my kids could write their numbers correctly, haha).

Overall, a very relaxing and good weekend. It was my boyfriend's birthday today and it stinks not being able to celebrate with him. I love birthdays, particularly my own. But it's always such a happy time and I had to miss it. Ugh. Oh well.

Lame post, I know, but I'm tired. Keep checking for updates, the next one will be good... I promise!

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