Friday, September 4, 2009

"Can I Sleep in the School Tonight?"

Thursday wasn't all that bad, looking back. Actually a really cute/funny conversation happened between my class and me. I was very mad at them for taking such a long time going to the bathroom after lunch. They were messing around, being loud, being... annoying. It's the part of the day I dread the MOST and it's so stupid but really- bathroom breaks are the worst.

Anyway we were supposed to be in side for "physical activity" (aka recess) time and I had a fun little activity planned for them but I decided to read them that book, Big Plans, instead. Then I had a talk with them about how important it was to listen to me. See below (M is me, K is my kids, italics are my added asides):

M: How many of you have big plans to learn how to read this year?

K raise hands half-heartedly, not really paying attention

M: I'm serious!! Do you wanna learn how to read??

K get excited: Yes!!!!!

M: Well let me let you in on a little secret... come closer. Closer! (at this point I'm whispering) I KNOW how to teach kids to read. I'm an expert (psh okay Sara, keep dreaming. But fake it for the kiddies) and that's why it's so important for you to listen to me and pay attention and follow directions. I'm so excited to teach you how to read, but you all have to work hard and do what I say because I know what I'm doing.

K don't really say anything, so I keep going.

M: You don't even WANT to know what time I get here in the morning to make sure I'm ready to teach you how to read. I don't want your little brains to know because you're still all warm and snug in your beds dreaming when I'm at school. I don't even want to tell you.

K, yelling randomly: What time?? What time?!
Is it dark?
Is it cold?
What time?!?!

M: I don't even want to tell you. And you don't want to know what time I leave the school. Oh man, if you knew what time I stopped working hard and left the school, you would not even believe me.

K, yelling: Oh my gosh!! When? When do you leave?
Do you eat dinner here?
When when when?!

M: I won't tell you. It is just too late. And then, after I leave, when I get home after working so hard ALL day long to make sure I can teach you all how to read, do you know what I do?

One K: You take a little nap because you've been workin' all day? (hahahahha yeah right)

M: NOO!! I KEEP working!! Because I really want to teach you all to read. Do you wanna learn?!

K: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahaha what a moment. Almost as good as when my "behavior challenge" (I'm going to call him Jordan from now on) told me at the end of the day that he wanted to sleep in the school.

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