Friday, September 25, 2009

Not on a Six Year Old's Level

On Thursday I was quite irritated by my little ones because they were whining and being lazy SO I told them a nice story about the importance of working hard (courtesy of my dad and one of his runners Bill Starner... I don't even know if what I was saying was true). Anyway, by the end of it I went off naming successful people who worked hard- Obama, Michael Jordan... then, on a long shot, I threw out another name.

"What about Sonia Sotomayor? Raise your hand if you know who that is." In my head, I immediately realized that they would not know who this is. Big mistake.

Long pause, and then...

"You mean Miley Cyrus?"

I wait, and choose to accept that a historic Supreme Court Justice is nowhere even close to their radar, as much as I would like it to be (being a pub pol major who had Supreme Court info jammed into my brain for my senior seminar).

"Yes, Miley Cyrus. She works very hard."

Jordan, the most challenging kid in my class- "Man, Miley Cyrus doesn't do anything."

Little shy girl that hiccups all the time- "She lives in Disneyland!"

Kids are funny.

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