Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Brain is a Puddle

Can barely think right now due to multiple complicating/frustrating/emotional circumstances.

#1: Creepy downstairs neighbor Randy's bumping music. Why are you playing Poker Face as high as it can go at 8:30 on a Tuesday night? (it is Tuesday right?) Seriously. Our floor is vibrating. It's making it very difficult for me to staple together my decodables.

#2: These goddamn decodables. Tear them out, fold, staple, repeat. x21. x however many freaking decodables my little children have to read this year. And the illustrations- the one I just did had a little boy/girl that was a mixture between androgynous and demonic. Like a transgender Chucky or something. Eek.

#3: Sickness. It's summer, and I have a cold. That's always bugged me- being sick when it's warm and sunny out. For some reason I feel like that should make everyone immune to any kind of illness (clearly not true).

#4: Fatigue. Maybe if I was a normal person and didn't take 25 minutes to eat my little bowl of oatmeal in the morning I wouldn't have to wake up at 4:15. Oh yes, you heard me correctly- 4:15. This little girl needs to leave for work at 5:25 every day and if she isn't able to get in a relaxing game of Freecell before she goes, so help her.

#5: Freecell. Not so much the game, but the fact that I don't have time to finish my games. I can't X out of them because that would ruin my picture perfect 100% win rate. Yes, 100%. I work hard for that, and take pride in it.

#6: Impulsive purchases, along the lines of plane tickets that depart in less than 100 hours. That sort of thing (you know, much needed visits with people that I love love love) brings me up from the "I-woke-up-at-four-am-and-have-sneezed-16-times-in-ten-minutes" slump, but then realizing I have to plan and discipline my babies tomorrow, and Thursday, and Friday before that can happen makes it even more depressing.

#7: The whole teaching thing. Up and down. I think I'll like it once I stop sucking so bad. It's not even so much that I suck, but more so that I'm not really all that good. I don't know if it's the age group or me- probably a little bit of both. My mother (wow I really make her sound like a guru on this thing) tells me that in elementary school the adage is that September is a wasted month- kids take that long to get used to being in school and having a teacher that disciplines them. Good to know, because right now I don't feel as if they're really learning anything aside from the fact that Miss Fiorillo doesn't eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. Pretty soon they're going to start thinking that I live in my teacher cubby (in a week, they may be correct...)

Bedtime. No more emo fragmented sentences for the night, hope you can all survive.

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