Saturday, January 9, 2010


AKA blog vomit.  Occasionally I get on here and realize that my blog post looks more like someone cut and pasted random sections of the encyclopedia than a coherent idea.  It happens, and today is one of those days.  Try to keep up...

1) Arctic blast: on Wednesday, my principal came on the morning announcements and told the school that there was an urgent form being sent home that must be returned by the next day- the inclement weather form (basically, how kids are supposed to get home if school is let out early because of bad weather).  Everyone was worried about the "arctic blast" coming through, bringing with it snow, sleet, and ice (or so they said).  When I checked the weather, I remembered the warnings I'd gotten about the ridiculousness of the South when "bad" weather hits- high of 46, 30% chance of precipitation... at 4 pm.  Makes me feel tough that I can scoff at all the news stories about how to survive the coming apocalypse.

2) Some funny moments of the week:
  • When one of my kids said "CAN YOU TELL TAYLOR SWIFT TO MOVE OVER?!"  Yes, her name is Taylor and yes, her last name begins with an S, but no, her name is not Taylor Swift.
  • We're working on surveys and graphs in math and the class got in a fight over whether I counted as a girl or not... "She's a LADY, people!"
  • A six-year-old using Caucasian as an adjective to expand her sight word sentence.  Every other kid in my class was scratching their head.

3) I'm purposely embedding this thought I had within a post because I realize how much it makes me sound like a crazy hippy-ish granola-y person.  Anyway, I'm fully expecting flak from people for verbalizing what I thought of during yoga the other day.  We were in Savasana, which is the part where you just get to lay there and think about nothing (the best part of my day).  I was planning out what I was going to blog about when my instructor started talking about how we should be communicating with our bodies, asking ourselves what we need.  I realized- what the hell?  It's my one time to talk to myself and I talk about what I'm going to blog when I get home?  I feel like everyone has all these modes of communication now that there is never a time when you are only thinking about communicating with yourself.  Our journals have websites, our thoughts are linked by subject and date, our moods are updated and listed on a live feed.  Maybe that's not everyone, maybe it's more the Twitter/Facebook/blogging freaks (like me), but I think we all do it more than we realize.  We're more apt to share over hyperlinks and wall posts than to take any real time for self-reflection.  I feel like self-reflection isn't exactly the coolest thing to admit to doing these days.  But even if you believe in it (which I do), the fact that my self-reflection time is spent drafting blog entries is a little disturbing to me.  The fact that I'm STILL blogging about it even after that realization is even more disturbing.

I'm justifying it by it by telling myself that people look to me for wisdom and things to quote in their profiles (so lying to myself).  And maybe, on another level, we find things out about ourselves by the way we choose to talk to other people.  How we want to be seen by those that know us well and those that don't know us that well can tell us a lot about our needs at the time.  After all, part of being in our generation is about being connected and available.  Time to yourself barely exists anymore because we spend that time creeping on everyone else.  Maybe that's another New Years resolution to add to my ever-growing list.

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