Friday, January 15, 2010


Oh, it's on. My boyfriend has created a sports blog, sparking a bitter fight for the readers and fans from our small network of friends and acquaintances.

Maybe it's not quite that serious, or serious at all, but he puts me to shame with his ability to post pretty much any time of day (ah, the joys of college winter break). Plus he can add all sorts of cool pictures and videos. I don't think it's as feasible for me- after all, how would I get a picture of me having a self reflective epiphany doing a headstand in yoga? And who's missing out by NOT seeing that?

One thing I wanted to do more of this year was blogging, but I don't want it to become the boring rambling of a tired teacher. So I'm waiting until I have something both hilarious and insightful to share with the world. In the meantime, while you're waiting on pins and needles for my incredible musings, you can pass the time with Just remember- not everyone can be as good as me.

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