Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wasted Space

Know the lyrics?  Me too.

Listening to radio stations that tout themselves as "the best of the 80's, 90's, and today" always leaves me with the same scary question in my mind- how much room in my brain is occupied by lyrics to the Backstreet Boys and Madonna?

Thinking of all the useless information I keep filed away- birthdays, phone numbers, terrible jokes- gets me wondering how much more I could learn or know if I just purged it from my mind.  Sure, I wouldn't be able to sing along with MMMBop on the rare occasions that it comes on in WalMart, but I might be able to be more knowledgeable on other, more pertinent things.  I don't quite know what that would be, but there has to be something more pertinent than boy band lyrics.  There has to be.

We all waste space somewhere in our lives.  I think of the basement in my parents' house, of my sister's closet, of the minds of college boys on Sundays (another direct jab at my boyfriend and his friends... how many different kinds of sports percentages does one person need to know?).  Perhaps it's time to get rid of those empty space-takers and start filling ourselves with more meaning.

It's funny how those cheesy pop lyrics bring up this same, rather deep thought every time I hear them.  Maybe they do serve a purpose then- to get us to appreciate the things that DO matter, the things in our brains and basements that hold meaning and importance.  Because if everything was important, maybe nothing would be (kind of stole that from The Incredibles... whoops!).

Just a thought.

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