Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Love Languages

My roommate mentioned this to me a while ago, probably on one of our frequent trips to Target and Original Pancake House.  There are five different "languages of love" (as cheesy as that sounds), at least according to this guy Gary Chapman, and people generally prefer to communicate and/or be communicated to in one of these five languages.  It's nothing groundbreaking- most people who take these things probably aren't very surprised by the results.  But it's still kind of fun to take the quiz and see where you land.

That quiz is set up to tell you how you like your significant other to show love.  My highest was words of affirmation.  Or, rather, I like to be worshiped.  And in first typing that word it got the red underline, meaning I've been spelling it incorrectly for about 20 years.  Damn you Microsoft Word auto-correct.  It's the reason I couldn't spell embarrassed until I got to college.  That's an entirely separate post, though.  Got a little sidetracked.  Anyway, quality time and physical touch ranked pretty highly for me too.  I guess I'm not so much the kind of person who wants to receive gifts or be the recipient of acts of service.  (By the way, see how I've bolded them to make it clear what the five languages of love are?  High five to me for strategic formatting.)

I think it's interesting to look at it from the other side though- how you yourself show it- because it's not always the same.  A corny post, I know, but I still think it's kind of cool.

*This is really just a sneaky way of telling all my fans to keep complimenting me via Facebook.  Thanks.

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